Auto-Log Copyright (c) 1991 Andrew L. Harrover Auto-Log is an AutoLisp program which allows the user to interactively build well diagrams. The program draws well construction details on one side of the well and builds the lithology on the other side. This project started when my company was pricing other programs and was disappointed by the nature of the programs we found. Most of the programs could be divided into two classes - one was the very expensive, million function software with a steep learning curve and the other was reasonably priced software which produced unsatisfactory output. There was no mean between the extremes. The whole purpose of this software is that it should facilitate the easy production of decent looking well logs with a minimum effort by our field people. This is how AutoLog was started. I admit that AutoCAD is not a program that people associate ease of use with, although AutoLog asks all of the questions. The only thing left to the operator is to input the data correctly, plot out the finished diagram and then save it. There is the possibility that some basic editing might have to be performed but this could be learned very quickly by a novice or passed to the CAD staff for a quick polishing and output. AutoLog was developed using AutoCAD release 11. SHAREWARE This program is not free! If you try AutoLog and don't find it acceptable, trash it. If you try it, like it, and intend to use it, then PLEASE register the code. The registration fee is $25.00 and I feel this is very reasonable. When you register the code, I will send you the latest version and a laser printed manual. Registration will also entitle you to future upgrades. Please mail your check or cash to: Andy Harrover 9252 Bennett Dr. Manassas, VA 22100 I know that getting a check cut for $25.00 by your company can be inconvenient, but I'm sure your company can make an exception. Remember - I'm not trying to make a lot of money by writing these sorts of things but I don't mind a little compensation for all of the late nights and AutoLisp headaches. If you pass AutoLog along to one of your friends then PLEASE pass the entire, unmodified code and documentation. Registered users may contact me with questions via U.S. mail or FAX (703) 444-1685. LEGAL STUFF AutoLog has been tested by me and others and I am almost positive that there are no bugs in the code. I have tried to trap as many errors as possible but I make no guarantee that it will work on your machine. Just remember that you use this program at your own risk!!! AutoCAD is a registered trade mark of AutoDesk, Inc. THANKS Thanks to GeoTrans, Inc. for providing a machine to work on, supplies, and a few unlucky souls to debug the code. Thanks to Sarah for not divorcing me. Items that Deserve Mention 1. AutoLog draws all items to scale. The construction details and lithology are illustrated inside of an 8" x 2" area. The user is asked to input a total well depth which is divided by eight and the resulting figure is the scale. AutoLog will however, continue to ask for depths to all features so that the user can format his labels however he pleases. 2. AutoLog features are illustrated starting from the bottom of the well. The deepest features, which are the well construction details, are drawn first and then AutoLog works its way up. The lithology is added next in the same order. 3. AutoLog makes certain assumptions about well construction details. These are that you have some sandpack, the next layer will be the bentonite and the final layer will be grouting which will fill the rest of the borehole. Fill at the bottom of the well can be included if desired. The labels for these items are entirely user-supplied and multiple lines of text are allowed so there is a good deal of flexibility built in. In the event that one of these layers is missing, a zero (0) can be placed for the layer thickness and the tick (') which is placed at the top of each layer can be erased. 4. AutoLog uses a standard AutoCAD font called "romans" so that the output is standardized and is very presentable. 5. AutoLog supports all standard AutoCAD hatch patterns, but more can easily be added to the code. 6. AutoLog hatches all patterns with an angle of "0". 7. AutoLog lithology and construction labels look best when they are kept under fifteen characters. The max is twenty. 8. AutoLog version 1.1 only does above-ground well diagrams. Flush installations are planned for future releases. 9. When AutoLog prompts Y or N for additional lines of text any answer except Y will advance the user to the next step. 10. When AutoLog prompts the user for stratigraphic data it also checks to make sure that the sum of the stratigraphic units does not exceed the total well depth. 11. AutoLog works in decimal feet. Any data which is input in feet and inches will be incorrectly interpreted. 12. The version of AutoLog that has been released is not "crippled" in any way. This is the full, unmodified code. The idea behind AutoLisp is customization of AutoCAD, and I welcome people to modify my code. Please don't send me questions about a modified version. I am, however, open to suggestions and ideas about future releases. How To Use AutoLog 1. Load the code by typing (load "AutoLog"). 2. Execute the program by typing "AutoLog". 3. The program will begin execution and prompt you for information regarding the details of the well construction. The first will be any backfill which may be at the bottom of the well. This is an optional step. The backfill can be omitted altogether by answering "N" to the backfill prompt. The second will be the sandpack section of the well. The third will be the screen attributes. The fourth, the bentonite seal, and the last, the grout from the top of the bentonite. All of the labels can be more than one line. Remember that AutoLog does not add the tick (') after the depth number - this must be added manually. 4. The next section of AutoLog will be the lithology. The program will prompt for the lithology thickness, hatch and depth. After the first layer is complete the user will be prompted for subsequent layers. Entering a thickness which would make the unit protrude above the ground surface is prevented. If the user enters a number which would make the unit protrude he is asked whether he wants to try again or have AutoLog round it. If the user selects auto rounding, AutoLog uses the remaining area for the last section of lithology. AutoLog also provides the user a good deal of flexibility when labeling the lithology. AutoLog allows multiple lines of text when labeling the lithology. This allows items such as sample interval and rock descriptions to be entered. The number of lines of text is limited only by the thickness of the unit. If too many lines of text are entered, they can overlap the text for the layer below. Remember that AutoLog does not add the tick (') after the depth number - this must be added manually. 5. The next step in AutoLog is to label the drilling method, driller, date, who logged the well, ground elevation, top of casing elevation, borehole, width, and casing type. All of these fields are prompted and composed of one line each.